Unsuccessful payments

Whether you are making the initial payment for a subscription or renewing your account, there are several reasons why your account might not activate correctly:

  • Insufficient funds in your account.
  • Your bank has declined the payment. In this case, it’s necessary to contact your bank to ensure they accept Stripe payments, or you can try using a different card.
  • You have attempted to make the payment using an American Express card. Currently, we can only process payments using Mastercard or Visa cards.

If the failure is due to insufficient funds or bank rejection, you can try making the payment using our alternative platform. Depending on your country, you may be able to activate options to make the payment through Google Pay or using Link.

PLEASE ENTER YOUR EMAIL CORRECTLY SO YOU CAN RECEIVE YOUR ACCESS KEYS. If you already have an active subscription, make sure to enter the same email to link your payment to your subscription.


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INR -> https://buy.stripe.com/7sIeVegE84U8fMkeUX

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